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P.E. Mr. Williams


I’m Taylor Williams. I graduated from Montgomery High School, and I’m a graduate of Northwestern State University. This year, I will begin my fifth year of teaching. I will be
teaching P.E. at VES. I will also be the head boys’ basketball coach and the assistant football coach at Montgomery High School. I’m a former student of Verda Elementary and I treasure those years as a Yellow Jacket. VES and MHS are like home, because growing up with two teachers as parents I spent all of my time at both schools. I’m honored to have the privilege to work with the students at VES. I love to make them laugh and give them an opportunity to have a little fun after working hard in the classroom. This year may not be our normal year, but I will do all I can to make sure the students have a great experience at VES. Just as I did!

Verda Office Phone (318)646-3146
Planning period from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.
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