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Verda Elementary
Grant Parish Student Handbook
Verda Elementary Student Handbook
Class Rules & PBiS Expectations
VES Parent & Family Engagement Policy
Parent Command Center Information
School - Parent Compact
VES Local Literacy Plan
Year At A Glance
Monthly School Calendar
New Student Documents
Parent's Rights
Supplemental Insurance Information
Family Resources
Technology Tutorials
Louisiana Believes
Title 1 School
VES School Shirts
Montgomery High School
Clever & Google Classroom Instructions
Principal Mr. DuBois
Asst. Principal Mrs. Shannon Johnson
HSE Mrs. Howard
PreK Mrs. Bolger
Kindergarten Mrs. Lasyone
Kindergarten Mrs. Higginbotham
1st Grade Mrs. Geisel
1st Grade Mrs. Lemoine
1st Grade Mrs. Hicks
2nd Grade Mrs. Stokes
2nd Grade Mrs. Lloyd
3rd Grade Mrs. Paddie
3rd Grade Mrs. Ayres
3rd Grade Mrs. Vaughn
2nd/3rd SPED Mrs. Clement
SPED Resources Ms. DuBois
Literacy Coach
4th Grade Mrs. Carter
4th Grade Ms. Vercher
5th Grade Mrs. Price
5th Grade Mrs. Call
Office Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Jones
Mrs. Arledge
Mrs. Crooks
Mrs. Gunter
School Nurse Mrs. Mendenhall
Bus Drivers
About Us
Motto & Expectations
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Supplemental Insurance
The following forms are for Supplementary Insurance.
Primary Voluntary Student Accident Plans
Information Letter to Parents
Click the files to see a downloadable version.
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